For over 65 years in Tulsa and around the world, Tulsa Bible Church has witnessed the remarkable faithfulness and goodness of God. He has done for us what we cannot do for ourselves and blessed us beyond measure. Although a biblical vision involves a fresh conviction to follow God’s leading, we also hope this vision deepens a love for Christ at TBC that is quite old, and strengthens our unchanging commitment for God’s glory.
Our central vision, which started in March 2021, has three elements: 1) treasure God prayerfully, 2) transform our approach intentionally, and 3) trust God collectively.
1. Treasure God Prayerfully
Before we look forward to the next several years, our vision begins by looking back. The historical prayers, privately and collectively of TBC members, for many years have been a hallmark of our worship. TBC’s vision begins with treasuring God and strengthening our vital connection with Him through the following historical prayer.​
2. Transform Intentionally
We envision a refocused “Acts 1.8 approach” to ministry starting at the center, our “Jerusalem,” with every ministry at TBC intentionally engaged in sharing the Gospel and showing Christ’s love to others. "But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth” (Acts 1.8).
Our vision is to strengthen the core—TBC’s presence and testimony in the local community—that the power of the Gospel might radiate out from the center to the uttermost parts of the world. By transforming our approach in order to reach more people with the Gospel, we envision God will transform hearts within our community and church.
As we work toward transformation, TBC’s vision includes better understanding needs in the local community and meeting those needs with creativity, compassion, resources, and engagement. We will prioritize connection to others and personal evangelism by utilizing God’s gifts to reach Tulsa’s growing secular culture. We pray that others will witness the truth, goodness, and beauty of the Gospel starting with us and our passion to make God known in Tulsa.
3. Trust God Collectively
We envision a church that fights victorious spiritual battles and protects Spirit-empowered unity. In the essentials of doctrine, our cry is for unity; in the non-essentials, liberty, with a focused effort to maintain joyful and thankful hearts. We hope the same Spirit described in Acts 1 and 2 will strengthen and guide us to deeper relationships and genuine love for one another. We envision a church pursuing life together both in corporate gatherings and small groups for the building of the Body of Christ.