SUNDAY 9:00-10:00AM | Room #M112
Lighthouse Group
The Lighthouse Group is TBC's largest adult fellowship. They have a teaching rotation including retired pastors. Lighthouse is currently studying their favorite Bible passages. Come join them for study, coffee, and snacks each week.

SUNDAY 9:00-10:00AM | Room #M108
Ambassador Group
This Ambassador Fellowship is led by Mike and Leslie McGowan and Travis and Marlene Jones. Bill Riggs and Justin Ennis participate as additional teachers. Through the rest of 2024 we will have Thanksgiving and Christmas topical studies. In 2025 they will start a series in Jeremiah. There are currently two monthly Connection Groups (small groups) associated with our fellowship. Our contact email is tbcambassadors@gmail.com

SUNDAY 9:00-10:00AM | Room #M005
Journey Group
The Journey Adult Fellowship is a women's only group that meets in the basement near the Youth Rooms. They are currently studying “Living with Confidence in a Tumultuous World” which wraps up in November which will be followed by lessons on the spiritual meaning of some of our Christmas traditions. In January they will begin a study of the book of Joshua. This group is led by Linda Johnson and Ronda Palmer.

SUNDAY 9:00-10:15AM | Room #M147
Iron-Sharpens-Iron Group
This is a men's only group that is currently studying, The Pursuit of Holiness by Jerry Bridges. Iron-Sharpens-Iron has men of all ages and all walks of life.

SUNDAY 9:00-10:00AM | Room #M107
Cornerstone Group
Cornerstone Group is led by Brian & Marybeth Shoop. It is made up primarily of younger families, however, all ages are welcome! They are currently going through the Book of Deuteronomy.